Tiago Bonito
Chef Dishes
Maronês veal
“My food is sea and fire. It is a smokehouse, eucalyptus, pine and vine. ” Tiago Bonito, Executive Chef at Largo do Paço. This is one of his creations. The protagonist? PDO (Protected Designation of Origin) Maronês veal. Well, in this case, PDO could also be an acronym for Portuguese, Delicious and Original!
Products used
Carne Maronesa
This week we present the Maronesa mountain bovine breed, bread in a traditional farming system, between the Marão, Alvão and Padrela mountains.
It is distinguished by a dark brown to black coat and lighter hair on the top of their heads, and its meat, which has particular white to ivory-toned fat and dark red to pink meat, depending on the animal’s age. Its singular features earned it the prize of “World’s best meat “. Find out more at Agrupamento de Produtores de Carne Maronesa.
Oporto and North
In 200 BC, when it was called Portus Cale, the city that gave Portugal its name became the Portucalense County’s capital; Porto is the country’s second-most populous city. Classified as Cultural Heritage of Humanity, its historical centre offers endless opportunities to taste authentic northern gastronomy – from tripe to world-famous Port wine -, while enjoying a magnificent view of the Douro river.