Manuel Lino
Chef Dishes
Beetroot tartar
A relaxed and creative cuisine, offering memorable dishes such as this beetroot tartar. Roasted beetroot, smoked yoghurt and almond milk are the main ingredients; the rest is pure talent! Bravo, chef Manuel Lino!
Products used
A tuberous root with a sweet taste, beetroot is originally from Europe and appears in three types intended for different uses: table beetroot, consumed as a vegetable; sweetener, used in sugar production and feed, for animals.
A tuberous root with a sweet taste, beetroot is originally from Europe and appears in three types intended for different uses: table beetroot, consumed as a vegetable; sweetener, used in sugar production and feed, for animals. There are several varieties within the “table” type – such as yellow or golden, white and striped – with red being the most used. To be eaten raw, in juices and salads, or cooked, pickled, preserved, in sweets, bread, pastes or soups, it is small in size but has many attributes. Regarding its numerous properties, we give the floor to the Celeiro – Living with Body and Soul: “It contains betaine and many other nutrients, namely folic acid, carotenoids, vitamin B6, fibres, manganese, potassium, vitamin C and iron.”
Kissed by the Tagus that reflects its ample light, it hides a thousand and one charms on seven hills. The sound of the trams, the clamour of the markets, the river lapping on its bank, and the trilling of the Portuguese guitar. The Portuguese pavements’ intricate designs, the arabesques on the Manueline façades, the churches’ bell towers, and the houses perched on the castle’s hillside. Exotic, cosmopolitan, classic, and modern; few cities are as worldly as Lisbon.