Renato Cunha
Chef Dishes
Galinha Mourisca
Galinha Mourisca is a traditional dish from Minho and Vila Nova de Famalicão in particular. The recipe is documented in the oldest cookery book known in Portugal, the Cooking Book of Infanta D. Maria (16th century), in Art of Cooking, by Domingos Rodrigues (1680) and also in O Santo da Montanha by Camilo Castelo Branco, the writer who lived 30 years of his life in Vila Nova de Famalicão. Renato Cunha is an excellent maker of this recipe and a staunch supporter of its promotion as an official dish of his hometown.
Products used
Yellow chicken
Also known as Minho chicken, it owes its name to the yellowish color of its plumage.
The yellow chicken, an autochthonous species that the people from Minho have saved from oblivion (and extinction). Also known as Minho chicken, it owes its name to the yellowish color of its plumage and is recognized, among other attributes, for the quality of its meat and eggs. Therefore, it is better suited for traditional recipes such as giblet rice, folares and sponge cake.
Oporto and North
In 200 BC, when it was called Portus Cale, the city that gave Portugal its name became the Portucalense County’s capital; Porto is the country’s second-most populous city. Classified as Cultural Heritage of Humanity, its historical centre offers endless opportunities to taste authentic northern gastronomy – from tripe to world-famous Port wine -, while enjoying a magnificent view of the Douro river.