Júlio Pereira
Chef Dishes
swordfish ball marinated in wine and garlic, and turmeric aioli
Would you say it is possible to make cherimoya ketchup? Chef Júlio Pereira would not only say yes but also made some! The daring creation accompanies a delicious swordfish ball marinated in wine and garlic, and turmeric aioli.
Products used
Banana, passion fruit, guava, papaya, mango, tamarillo. The list of tropical fruits that grow in Madeira is not complete without cherimoya: the only product in the region with Protected Designation of Origin (DOP).
Originating in South America, the fruit with green skin and a scale-like texture is grown on both sides of the island of Madeira, the difference being that on the south coast, it is grown up to a maximum altitude of 550m above sea level and on the north coast only up to 280m. This delicate fruit, with juicy white pulp with black seeds, must be handled with care. It has a sweet flavour, and its nutritional properties include, among others, good amounts of vitamins C and B6, potassium, iron and fibres. It is mainly consumed as is, but some creative chefs give it culinary uses.
Montanhas que roçam os céus, florestas exuberantes, cascatas que se precipitam no mar. Piscinas esculpidas na rocha pelo mar, quilómetros e quilómetros de caminhos pedestres e mil e uma paisagens capazes de fazer bater mais forte até o mais empedernido coração. Bem-vindos à Madeira!